Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's A New Year-- What Will YOU Do?

Well, 2008 is well underway and it's time to sit back and think about what you have done to help the environment. I have started that recycling program at my school like I had hoped. Turns out it was a lot easier than I had expected. I guess people are more willing to help and be a part of being green than I had thought. My light bulbs are all changed out and we are driving a lot less around here. My kids are now either walking or riding their bikes to/from school each day. =) Yea!!

These are all simple little things that each of you can implement into your own lives as well. Are you recycling all of your household items? What can you do to make the world a better place in 2008? Share your ideas with me and maybe you'll mention something else I can do in my own home.

May you all have a safe and happy year and may it be GREEN!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Isn't this picture great?! I took this shot while on a family vacation this past summer, in Florida. Since we live in the desert, we absolutely love our time at the shore and in the ocean. My son had the best time on this trip, and this picture will tell you exactly why, he lived in the warm surf. I was lucky to catch his face in this wave, as I think it catches his feelings so well. My concerns, as a mother, are that one day my children may not be able to enjoy days like these. Lets each do our part to keep our beaches and the oceans clean. Do your share to keep your footprint on the planet, as small as possible. One day, I hope to take my grandchildren to the beach, and to catch each of them in a smiling, happy shot, just like this!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Ok, If you haven't done it yet, its time to change out those light bulbs with the energy efficient kind. You have probably seen pictures of them in magazines, or you may have even passed them by in the aisles of your local grocery store. I bought some to replace burned out bulbs through out the house and then bought more to use as the rest of the bulbs blew. You can do the same! Remember, the bulbs DO cost more, but they also LAST LONGER! The package says they will work for up to 5 YEARS! Crazy, right? These energy efficient bulbs do give off a different kind of light, more of a yellow color than the clear, bright light we are used to, but they work well and HELP THE ENVIRONMENT!! So, next time you walk by those funny looking bulbs in your neighborhood Wal Mart, stop and buy a package. Every little bit helps.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Green Squad

Hey Kids! Join the Green Squad, and make your school and environmentally safe place. On this web site you can download and print a poster to hang in your classroom with tips and things to remember on how to be " green". There are also easy suggestions that any one of you can do to help your school become more green. Print out the checklist and encourage your teacher and your classmates to help you! Have fun with it, make it a school wide project and see what a difference you can make!

Global Dimming

Ever hear of global dimming? No? Me either, until yesterday. An old friend sent me a link to a web page about a show he'd watched on pbs. Check this one out, I'm sure you'll be amazed. I was.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Desert Changes

When I first moved to the desert 9 years ago, I was amazed by the intense summer heat and the beautiful summer storms. I used to go for walks every night with my husband and we pulled the kids in their wagon. It was the only time of the day, unless you were swimming, that we could actually be outdoors and not cook in the sun.

On our walks we would watch the night sky and the show mother nature would put on for us. There were incredible lightning storms every night produced by the heat of the day. The lightning flashed across the sky, never coming down to strike the ground. The bolts were large and bright and constant, they never seemed to end. We loved watching it and considered ourselves lucky to live in such an amazing place.

During the summer afternoons, we used to watch huge storms blow in. We could literally see the wall of a storm approaching and would cheer about the incoming rain. Living in the desert sun, we grew to love the rains. Out here, these storms are called monsoons. We loved the monsoons and they came frequently. Once our back yard had flooded with more than 4 inches of rain water. We had to dig small trenches to the street to drain the yard and we loved it. The roads would flood and we would watch the desert washes fill with water and run hard.

Now, 9 years later, we see little if any of these old storms anymore. Many other families and businesses also decided that living in the desert was the place for them. There has been a huge population growth and building in the area hasn't stopped. We never have lightning storms, rarely have monsoons, and the washes are dry.

I realize that my family and I are part of the problem, we chose to live here too. How do I do my part to change what we have lost?

Monday, July 9, 2007

Tip of the Day:
Did you know that keeping your tires inflated will help the environment? When the tires on your car are low, your vehicle is less efficient and uses more gas. Keep a tire gauge in your glove box and check the pressure periodically, you'll not only increase the life of your car's tires, but also help the environment!